After the Splendor X treatment, your skin will become younger, more hydrated and luminous.

Splendor X Onychomycosis

Nail fungus is more common in the elderly, but can affect people of all ages, including children.

After the Splendor X treatment, your skin will become younger, more hydrated and luminous.

Splendor X Onychomycosis

Nail fungus is more common in the elderly, but can affect people of all ages, including children.

Splendor X has proven very good in the treatment of onychomycosis.

You may have noticed a more unusual appearance of a toenail, a change in color or the appearance of a darker, yellowish, whitish or brownish area. The nail is coming off slightly in one corner and has small bumps. These are signs of onychomycosis or “nail fungus”.

At Avra Aesthetic Institute, you get rid of onychomycosis with the help of a state-of-the-art laser treatment.


Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail, which most often occurs on the foot, but can also occur on the fingernails. Nail fungus is formed when the fungi responsible for the infection penetrate the tissue under the nail, most often as a result of an injury.

Nail fungus is more common in the elderly, but can affect people of all ages, including children.

  • There are several types of fungi that can cause onychomycosis, but the most common are dermatophytes.
  • Nail fungus is contagious, it can be passed to another person or picked up from an infected surface.
  • One thing that is less known is that onychomycosis can spread not only to other nails, but also to the skin between the toes (“athlete’s foot”), in the groin area or on the scalp.< /li>
  • We advise you to seek treatment for nail fungus before the problem worsens.


You should go to a dermatologist, who will prescribe a treatment for onychomycosis, when you notice the following symptoms:

  • milky appearance of the nail, or yellow-brown;
  • opaque appearance and thickening of the nail;
  • appearance of pus;
  • inflammation of the finger;
  • bad smell;
  • detachment of the nail in a corner.

On the recommendation of the dermatologist, it is necessary to follow a treatment with drugs or a local one. Without proper treatment, the nail may require surgical removal.

An increasingly popular approach that improves outcomes is laser treatment for onychomycosis. At Avra Institute, we provide you with an ultramodern laser, very effective against nail fungus.

Laser Splendor X for onychomycosis

The Lumenis Splendor X laser is a hybrid device, which, among other things, has proven very good in the treatment of onychomycosis.

The revolutionary device can be found, in Romania, only in the center of the Avra Aesthetic Institute. At European level, there are only 17 such devices.

  • Splendor X is based on the most advanced technology available on the market, combining two laser frequencies, Blend X Alexandrite 755nm and Nd: YAG 1064nm.
  • With the help of the laser, various aesthetic and medical procedures can be performed, the treatment of nail fungus being just one of them.
  • The Splendor X is the only laser that has a built-in exhaust device and HEPA filter for a smoke-free environment. The sessions at Avra, in which you will get rid of the annoying onychomycosis, will take place in a healthy environment, both for you and for the technician.
  • The device has a unique cooling system, which combines two technologies: Cryo-Touch and Cryo-Air.
  • The spot is square, not round like other lasers. With this ingenious type of fingerprint, the treatment is greatly optimized. Onychomycosis will be eliminated with great precision.

Advantages of treatment leaves with onychomycosis

After treatment with Splendor X, the nail fungus will begin to recede until the infection is gone.

  • The Splendor X laser works on any skin type, regardless of shade, even tanned skin.
  • The power of the laser acts only on the onychomycosis, without affecting the surrounding skin.
  • Laser treatment for onychomycosis, the number of sessions as well as their duration and frequency are set individually, depending on the case.
  • Nail fungus is the kind of problem that unfortunately can come back, so follow-up maintenance sessions are recommended.
It is not recommended to use the Splendor X laser on inflamed skin, nor on people who have an active infection, or in case of open wounds. The price of a vascular injury treatment at Avra Institute depends on the complexity of the procedure, as well as the number of necessary sessions and the size of the treated area. The price list can be accessed here. We are waiting for you at Avra Aesthetic Institute, to help you get rid of onychomycosis through the most effective laser treatment.
Splendor X Laser onychomycosis TREATMENTS PRICES
Onychomycosis/ 1 session
360 RON
360 RON
Onychomycosis/ 6 sessions
1800 RON
1800 RON


The results of the treatments depend on your health, sex, age, etc., and may be different from person to person.

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