The oscillations produced by the acoustic waves cause vibrations in the connective tissue, improving blood circulation and stimulating collagen production at the same time. The tissue relaxes and tones, with significant improvement in skin firmness and elasticity. The acoustic waves cause fibroblast cells to proliferate, generating the formation of a new, stronger collagen band. After application, the treated area shows improvements in skin texture and elasticity, as well as a visible reduction of scars (post-acne, surgical scars, etc.) and stretch marks.
The BTL X-Wave treatment for stretch marks and scars is a non-invasive, pain-free procedure. Although the vibrations may be felt more intensely in certain areas of the body, most people report that the treatment is comfortable, painless, similar to an intense sports massage.
Therapists from the AVRA team will recommend a personalized treatment plan following a full body and skin assessment session.
The results of the treatments depend on your health, sex, age, etc., and may be different from person to person.